Wednesday 20 August 2014

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Short Encycopedia of Pablo Ruiz Y. Picasso

If we talk about the great artists of the world then the name of Pablo Ruiz Y. Picasso will probably lead the rest. Picasso was born in 1991, in the city of Malaga, Spain. His father too was artist and art teacher Pablo's talent develop early and he was all ready an excellent painter in his early teens. In 1904 he settled in paris and thereafter lived in France.
Picasso Life History
Picasso was perhaps the boldest, the most innovative and the most influential figure in his field he was perfectly capable of painting realistic pictures when he felt it. More frequently however chose to distort and change the natural appearances of objects. The once said,
"When i want to paint a cup. I will show you that is is round but it may be that the general rhythm and construction of the picture will oblige me to show that roundness as square."

Unlike some artists, Picasso was strongly interested in politics in fact his most famous painting Guernica was was inspired by an incident in the Spanish Civil War. During his extraordinary long artistic career approximately three quarters of a century  he created more than 20,000 separate works of art with the average of over five a week for serenely five years. Picasso therefore became an extremely wealthy man. He died in France, in 1973. He is the Most outstanding figure in modern art and one of the most inventive and influential artists of all time.

This article is written and owned by: My eMania


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