Quran, the glorious book, the last book of Allah, is the most wonderful book present in this world. Quran has provided information and teachings about every aspect of life. Science has also quenched its thirst from Quran. Here are some facts about science described by the Holy Quran.
We all know about "Bing Bang" theory, that all matter was condensed at a point and an explosion caused it scatter and assumed different forms. But Quran described it centuries ago.
"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then we parted them and we made every living thing of water? will they not then believe?" [30:21]This verse gives a proof of truthfulness of Quran. Now coming to the expansion of universe after discussing tits creation, scientists have now found that universe is still expending due to immense explosion of Big bang and see Quran says,
Can this verse be declared as a co-incidence, guess or something like that, certainly not."We have built the heaven with might, and we it is, who makes vast extent thereof". [47:51]
Let's move on to another verse. Do you think that 1400 years before, astronomers were present with advanced technologies and sensitive instruments? You will surely say No the people at that time thought that the sky is just like a roof and stars are hammered into it like nails. But Quran said at that time,
"And He it is who created the night the Day and the Sung and the Moon. They float, each in an orbit." [33:21]The orbital concept which Quran gave at that time is proved now. Is this not a sufficient proof for the truthfulness of Holy Quran?
Now let's move on to the age of the universe, famous scientist "George Gammon" in his book "The Creation Of Universe" say that the universe was formed or it came into being 6 million years before the evolution of man.
Quran says,
"And He it is who created the heavens and the earth in six days." [7:11]Quran also says,
"A day with Allah is as a thousand years of what you reckon." [47:22]Moreover,
"Where the angels and the spirit ascent unto him in a day whereof the span is fifty thousand years ." [4:70]The day in heaven is not fixed like our day. 6 billion years can be considered as 6 days, each of lenghth 1 billion year i.e 1 billion years for earcth can be considered equal to 1 day at heaven.
So, after all these verses I shall quote here the verse which perfectly surrounds us after reading the whole article,
"We will show them our detents on the horizons and withing themeselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the truth. Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is witness over all things." [53:41]
Just Think over it!.